Former Graduate Students

Chaeeun Lee
Extracellular Vesicles, Liquid biopsy, Drug Delivery, Microfluidic devices
Combined M.S & Ph.D. @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2018 ~ 2023)
B.S., Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science Engineering, UNIST, Korea (2018)
E-mail :
Current Position : SK bioscience (2024~Present)

Mamata Karmacharya
Plasmonic engineering, cancer cell detection
Ph.D @ FRUITS Lab, Chemical engineering, UNIST (2023)
M.S., Microbiology in Medicine, Tribhuvan University, Nepal (2017)
B.S., General microbiology, Tribhuvan University, Nepal (2013)
Current Position : Post Doc., Institute for Basic Science, Center for Algorithmic and Robotized Synthesis (2023 ~Present)

Yongjun Choi
Immune cell motility dynamics, EV intracellular dynamics
Post Doc., Institute for Basic Science, Center for Soft and Living Matter (2022 ~2023)
Combined M.S & Ph.D. @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2015 ~ 2022)
B.S., Animal Biotechnology and System Biotechnology, Konkuk university, Korea (2015)
E-mail: choi2135@naver,com
Current Position : Post Doc., University of Rochester (2023~Present)

Nakyung Jung
Droplet microfluidics
M.S. @FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2023)
B.S. Biomedical Engineering, UNIST, Korea (2021)

Hyun-Kyung Woo
Exosome detection for cancer diagnosis on a CD
Post Doc.@ IBS Center for Soft and Living Matter(2020)
Combined M.S & Ph.D. @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2015 ~ 2020)
B.S., Chemical engineering and Bioengineering, UNIST, Korea (2014)
E-mail :
Current position : Research fellow @ Massachusetts general hospital and Harvard medical school (Boston, US) (2020~present)

Jun young Kim
Cell chip, Single cell capture, Organ-on-a-chip
Post Doc.@ IBS Center for Soft and Living Matter(2020)
Combined M.S & Ph.D. @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2013 ~ 2020)
B.S., Biomedical science and Bioengineering, UNIST, Korea (2014)
E-mail :
Current position : Post Doc. @ Imperial College London (London, UK) (2021~present)

Sun-min Yu
Cell Mechanics, Mechanobiology, Microfluidic chip
Combined M.S & Ph.D. @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2013 ~ 2020)
B.S., Bioscience and Biotechnology, Kyungpook Nat. Univ., Korea (2013)
Current position: Post Doc.@ IBS Center for Soft and Living Matter (2020 ~ Present)

Minji Lim
Circulating tumor cell detection on a CD
Combined M.S & Ph.D. @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2014 ~ 2020)
B.S., Biomedical science and Bioengineering, UNIST, Korea (2014)
E-mail :
Current Position: Professional, LG chem

Issac Micheal
Biomarker detection on a CD
Ph.D @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical engineering, UNIST (2015 ~ 2020)
M.S Nanotechnology from SRM University, India(2013)
B.E Biomedical Engineering , Anna University, India(2010)
Current Position: Research Engineer, Oxford Nanoimaging (ONI) (Oxford, UK)

Yubin Kim
CD Microfluidics, Nanolithography
Combined M.S & Ph.D. @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2013 ~ 2019)
B.S., Biomedical science and Nanochemical science, UNIST, Korea (2013)
E-mail :
Current Position: 'LOAD Korea'

Yang-Seok Park
Nano Science and Technology
Combined M.S & Ph.D. @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2013 ~ 2019)
B.S., Biomedical science and Advanced Chemical Engineering, UNIST, Korea (2013)
E-mail :

Chi-Ju Kim
Extracellular vesicle, cell-free DNA, Platelet isolation, Lab-on-a-disc, Microfluidics
Combined M.S & Ph.D. @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2013 ~ 2019)
B.S., Bioengineering and Biomedical science, UNIST, Korea (2013)
E-mail :
Current Position: Post Doc. @ Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, US)

Tae-Hyeong Kim
CD Microfluidics, Cell Separation
Post-Doc. @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2014~2017)
Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, UNIST, Korea (2014)
M.S., Chemical Engineering, Kyungpook Nat. Univ., Korea (2009)
B.S., Chemical Engineering, Kyungpook Nat. Univ., Korea (2007)
Current Position: Toronto University

Changsik Shin
Dendritic Cells, Microfluidics
Research Fellow, IBS Center for Soft and Living Matter, UNIST (2016)
PhD., FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2016)
Combined M.S & Ph.D. @ DISNI Lab, Life Science, UNIST (2009~2015)
B.S., Premedicine, The Pennsylvania State Unversity, Pennsylvania, USA (2009)
Current Position: Pennsylvania State University

Dong Yeob Ki
Platelet isolation on a CD
Researcher @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2018 ~ Present)
M.S @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2016 ~ 2018)
B.S., Medical Technology, University of Santo Tomas, Philippines (2015)
Current Position: Seegene

Hye-Yeon Ha
Nanofluidics for bacteria detection, Bacteria motility
Researcher @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2011 ~ 2016)
M.S @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2013)
B.S., Chemistry, Kyungpook Nat. Univ., Korea (2013)
E-mail :
Current Position: Korea Institute of Patent Information

JaRyoung Han
CD Microfluidics, Electrochemical detection
Researchers in Korea Gas Corporation (2015 ~ present)
M.S @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2014)
B.S., Chemical Engineering, Kyungpook Nat. Univ., Korea (2012)
E-mail :
Current Position: Korea Gas Coroporation

Younglim Lee (Ada Lee)
CD Microfluidics, Rare Cell Isolation
Researcher @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2014 )
M.S., Bioengineering, UNIST (2014)
B.S., Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, The Univ. of Arizona, USA (2011)
E-mail :
Current Position: Samsung Bioepis Co., Ltd.

Ji-woon Park
CD microfluidics, Biochemistry
M.S.,Bioengineering, UNIST (2011)
B.S., Biotechnology, Ajou Univ.(2008)
E-mail :
Current Position: Seoul Nat. University
Former Post Doctors and Researchers

Jonathan Sabaté del Río
Biosensors, Microfabrication, Surface chemistry, Nanotechnology
Post Doc., Institute for Basic Science, Center for Algorithmic and Robotized Synthesis (2023 ~)
Post Doc., Institute for Basic Science, Center for Soft and Living Matter (2018 ~2023)
Post Doc., The Wyss Institute at Harvard University, USA (2016-2017)
Ph.D., Chemical, Environmental and Process Engineering, University Rovira i Virgili, Spain (2015)
M.Sc., Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University Rovira i Virgili, Spain (2011)
Licentiate, Chemistry, University Rovira i Virgili, Spain (2010)
Natalia Onishchenko
Nanomedicine, Drug Delivery
Post Doc., Institute for Basic Science, Center for Algorithmic and Robotized Synthesis (2023 ~Present)
Post Doc., Institute for Basic Science, Center for Soft and Living Matter (2022 ~2023)
Post Doc., Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russia (2012-2022)
Ph.D., Biochemistry, Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russia (2012)
Specialist, Chemistry, Moscow State University, Russia (2007)

Thi Ngoc Diep Trinh
Point-of-care testing, nucleic acid isothermal amplification
Post Doc., Institute for Basic Science, Center for Soft and Living Matter (2023)
Assistant Professor, Gacheon University (2019-2022)
Ph.D., Gacheon University, Korea (2019)
M.S., Can Tho University, Vietnam (2016)
B.S., Can Tho University, Vietnam (2014)

Donghoon Lee
Researcher for Military Service Exemption @ IBS Center for Soft and Living Matter (2021)
Master of Engineering in Bioengineering, University of illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA (2019)
Research Trainee/Sponsored research Staff, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA USA(2017)
Researcher, Seoul National University Hospital Biomedical Research Institute, Soul, Korea(2015-2016)
Bachelor of Science in Life Science, Gachon University, Republic of Korea(2018)

Insu Kim
Biosensors, Biomimetic surface interactions
Post Doc., Institute for Basic Science, Center for Soft and Living Matter (2021)
Combined M.S. & Ph.D., Bio-convergence Engineering, Korea University, Korea (2021)
B.S., Biomedical Engineering, Korea University, Korea (2015)
E-mail :
Divakara SSM Uppu
Biomaterials, Drug delivery, Bionanotechnology, Polymer chemistry
Research Fellow, Center for Soft and Living Matter, Institute of Basic Science (2018 ~ 2020)
Visiting Scholar, Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA (2018)
Post Doc, Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART), Singapore (2016-2018)
Ph.D. New Chemistry Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bangalore, India (2010-2016)
BS.c. (Honors) & MSc.- Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Andhra Pradesh, India (2005-2010)

Cell chip, Cancer biology
Researcher @ Fruits Lab, Institute of Basic Science, Center for soft and living matter (2018 ~2019)
M.S. Biomedical Science, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea (2017)
B.S. Life Science, Andong University, Andong, Korea (2015)

InUn Kim
Cell chip, Molecular biology
Researcher @ Fruits Lab, Biomedical engineering, UNIST (2018 ~2019)
M.S., Life pharmacology, College of pharmacology., Gachon Univ., Korea (2018)
B.S., Applied biochemistry, Konkuk Univ., Korea (2015) -

Chi-Ju Kim
Circulating tumor cells isolation, Microfluidics
Post Doc., Institute for Basic Science, Center for Soft and Living Matter (2019)
Combined M.S & Ph.D. @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2013 ~ 2019)
B.S., Bioengineering and Biomedical science, UNIST, Korea (2013)
E-mail :

Dongyoung Kim
Advanced Microscopy, Cancer Biology
Post Doc.@ IBS Center for Soft and Living Matter(2017 ~ 2019)
Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, Texas A&M University. U.S.A. (2016)
M.S., Electrical Engineering, The University of Texas at Dallas. U.S.A. (2012)
B.S., Electrical Engineering, Kyungpook National University. Korea (2012)
E-mail: / website:

Jung Min Oh
Electrowetting, Superhydrophobicity, Electrokinetic flow, Ionic liquid
Post Doc. @ IBS Center for Soft and Living Matter (2015~2018)
Ph.D., Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, POSTECH, Korea (2002)
M.S., Chemical Engineering, POSTECH, Korea (1997)
B.S., Chemical Engineering, POSTECH, Korea ( 1995)
E-mail :

Shreedhar Gautam
Nanomaterials, Plasmonic Biosensor Devices
Researcher @ Fruits Lab, Institute of Basic Science, Center for soft and living matter (2017 ~2018)
M.S.: Chemical Engineering, KAIST (2016)
B.S.: Chemical Engineering, KAIST (2014)

Al-Monsur Jiaul Haque
Electrochemistry, Surface Functionalization, Nanomaterials, Biosensors
Post Doc. @ IBS Center for Soft and Living Matter (2016~2018)
PhD, Electrochemistry and Biosensors, Incheon Nat. Univ., Korea (2012)
M.Sc., Physical Chemistry, Shahjalal Univ. of Sci. and Tech., Bangladesh (2006)
B.Sc., Chemistry, Shahjalal Univ. of Sci. and Tech., Bangladesh (2005)

Badri. L. Aekbote
Cell to Cell interaction in microfluidics using biophysical methods
Post Doc. @ IBS Center for Soft and Living Matter (2016 ~ 2018)
Ph.D., Nanobiotechnology, Biological Research Centre, University of Szeged,Hungary.(2015)
M.S., Biotechnology, University of Mysore., Mysore, Karnataka, India (2003)
B.S., Biochemistry, Botany and Microbiology, University of Mysore., Mysore, Karnataka., India (2000)
E-mail :

Tae-Eon Kim
Dendritic cells migration, microfluidic chip
Researcher @ Fruits Lab, Institute of Basic Science, Center for soft and living matter (2016 ~ 2018)
M.S., Biochemistry, College of Medicine, Dong-A Univ., Korea (2015)
B.S., Chemistry, Busan Nat. Univ., Korea (2011)
E-mail :

Eujin Um
Cell biology within a precisely controlled microenvironment, Multiphase microfluidics
Post Doc. @ IBS Center for Soft and Living Matter (2015~2017)
Ph.D., Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST, Korea (2012)
M.S., Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST, Korea (2007)
B.S., Mecahanical and Aerospace Engineering, Korea (2005)
E-mail :

Tae-Hyeong Kim
CD Microfluidics, Cell Separation
Post Doc.@ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2014~2017)
Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, UNIST, Korea (2014)
M.S., Chemical Engineering, Kyungpook Nat. Univ., Korea (2009)
B.S., Chemical Engineering, Kyungpook Nat. Univ., Korea (2007)
E-mail :

Changsik Shin
Dendiritic Cells, Microfluidics
Research Fellow, IBS Center for Soft and Living Matter, UNIST (2016)
PhD., RUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2016)
Combined M.S & Ph.D. @ DISNI Lab, Life Science, UNIST (2009~2015)
B.S., Premedicine, The Pennsylvania State Unversity, Pennsylvania, USA (2009)
E-mail :

Chandini C Mohan
Molecular analysis of exosomes, Lab chip
Research Fellow, IBS Center for Soft and Living Matter, UNIST (2015~2016.03)
PhD., Nano bioengineering, Amrita University, Kochi, Kerala, India (2014)
MSc. Biotechnology, Cochin University of Science & Technology, Kerala, India (2008)
BSc., Zoology, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala India (2006)
E-mail :

Yeonhee Kim
Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine, Microfluidics , Biomedical Engineering
Post Doc. @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2014 ~ 2015)
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Virginia Tech., Blacksburg, VA, USA (2010)
M.S. Chemical Engineering, Pusan Nat. Univ., Busan, Korea (2005)
B.S. Chemical Engineering, Pusan Nat. Univ., Busan, Korea (2003)E-mail :

Won Seok Lee
Researcher in Agency for Defense Development (ADD) (present)
Researcher @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2012~2014)
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, KAIST, Korea (2012)
B.S., Mechatronics Engineering, Korea Univ. of Tech. and Edu., Korea (2010)
E-mail :

Cédric Bathany
Aqueous Two Phase System, On-Chip Cell Isolation, Microfluidics
Post Doc. @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2012-2014)
Ph.D., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, State Univ. of New York, USA (2012)
M.S., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Univ. de Tech. de Troyes, France (2007)
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Univ. de Tech. de Troyes, France (2006)
E-mail :

Kameel Abi-Samra
CD Microfluidics, Paper Microfluidics
Product Development Engineer, Ra Medical Systems, San Diego (Present)
Post Doc. @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2013)
Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, Univ. of California, Irvine, USA (2013)
M.S., Biomedical Engineering, Univ. of California, Irvine, USA (2009)
B.S., Bioengineering: Pre-medicine, Univ. of California, San Diego, USA (2007)
E-mail :

Chang Kyu Byun
Aqueous Two Phase System
Post Doc., Biomedical Engineering, Univ. of Michigan (Present)
Post Doc. @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2010 ~ 2013)
Ph.D., Analytical Chemistry, Texas Tech. Univ., USA (2010)
M.S., Analytical Chemistry, Yonsei Univ., Korea (1997)
B.S., Chemistry, Yonsei Univ., Korea (1995)
E-mail :

Hyundoo Hwang
Optoelectrofluidics, Cell-based microsystems,Microelectronic device, Cell Chip
Post Doc. @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2010~2012)
Ph.D., Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST, Korea (2010)
M.S., Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST, Korea (2007)
B.S., Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST, Korea (2006)
E-mail :

Brendan Leung
Aqueous Two Phase System, Cell Chips
Post Doc. @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2011)
Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, Univ. of Toronto, Canada (2010)
M.S., Biomedical Engineering, Univ. of Ottawa, Canada (2005)
B.S., Chemical Engineering, Univ. of Ottawa, Canada (2003)
E-mail :

Toshiyuki Yagushi
Aqueous Two Phase System, Cell to Cell Communication in Bacteria System
Assit. Professor, Nagoya Institute of Technology (Present)
Post Doc. @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2010 ~)
Research fellow, University of Michigan Medical School, Michigan, U.S.A. (2009~2010)
Ph.D., Electronics and information engineering,Tokyo Denki University (2008)
E-mail :

Dong-kyu Park
Research Staff, Nanofabrication center, UCRF, UNIST (Present)
Researcher. @ FRUITS Lab, Biomedical Engineering, UNIST (2009 ~ 2011)
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Former Visiting Graduate Students
Michael Vincent(LSU, USA) Graduate Joint Research, 2013 Fall
Franklin Uba(UNC, USA) Graduate Joint Research, 2013 Fall
Christian Mendoza(UC-Irvine,USA) Graduate Joint Research, 2012 Summer
Michael Vincent(LSU, USA) NSF Fellow, 2012 Summer
Kameel Abi-Samra(UC-Irvine, USA) Graduate Joint Research, 2012 Spring
Salar Soroori, Giulia Canton, Kameel Abi-Samra(UC-Irvine, USA) Graduate joint research, 2011 Fall
Swati Sharma(UC Irvine, USA) Graduate Joint Research, 2011 Summer
Nyote Oliver(LSU,USA) NSF Fellow, 2011 Summer
Franklin Uba(UNC, USA) Graduate Joint Research, 2011 Spring & Summer
Kammel Abi-Samra, Mary Amasia(UC Irvine, USA) Graduate Joint Research, 2010 Fall
Rodrigo Martinez, Robert Gorkin(UC Irvine, USA) Graduate Joint Research, 2009 fall
Rattikan Chantiwas(LSU, USA) Graduate Joint Research, 2010 Summer
Apichai Phonchai(Mahidol University, TH), Graduate Joint Research, 2014 Summer